
My name is Bridget and this in my personal blog to celebrate all the little “extras” that make life great. I hit my late twenties and realized…I hadn’t done anything I really wanted. I’m on a career track that is 0% interesting, living 30 minutes from my hometown, and I haven’t traveled anywhere new in over 10 years! I realized I needed a change.

Both of my sisters live in New Orleans, and each time I visit, I hear the term lagniappe thrown around. Over the years I’ve come to appreciate this city’s capability to celebrate life’s little extras and have decided to adopt this attitude into my everyday existence. This appreciation for life’s little things is important to overall happiness which is ultimately what we’re all striving for. So, along with some major life changes, I will be using this blog to help remind me of life’s little joys which are in fact the most important.

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