The Falls

Well I did it this year. I started this blog to document my year of change and so much has been changing that I’ve not had the opportunity to update. On July first I got on a plane and flew across the country to my new home in Oregon. I had no job, no prospects and was unsure if the apartment we planned to rent was genuine. Here I am 3 months later with a roof over my head and a new coast still largely unexplored. After not writing for years, I’ve begun my first story (I don’t know if it will turn into a novel or not). And I am genuinely working towards going back to school next Fall for my genealogy certification. Life is good and ever changing.

On our first true day here, I decided I needed to see something beautiful that I hadn’t experienced before. We were off to Multnomah Falls. I’ve shared some pictures below but they do not do the beauty of the falls or Columbia River Gorge justice. When spring rolls around again and the camp sites are open I’ll be doing an extended hiking weekend in the gorge but for now, I can still go see the Falls anytime I need some inspiration. My life has changed drastically and i hope it continues to do so. Thank you for reading.


Multnomah 1 Multnomah 2 Multnomah 3 Multnomah and me

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