My life this year

I’ve been feeling as if I’m in a rut lately. Money is scarce but time is abundant so I felt like I was leading a boring life. Realizing I hadn’t updated this blog in awhile, I came to the conclusion that it was because my life has actually been very busy and awesome! In June my mother Terry visited for the first time which was amazing. I have seen my great friend Terri more since living here than the past five years combined (she moved to LA a while back). Being on the same coast has really been amazing and she was even here for her birthday in August and we went to too many distilleries in one day. This led to a weird day of adventure where we ended up going to see a DJ spin ambient vinyl at a ramen joint. AKA best day ever. So yay for people named Terry visiting. If your named Terry/Terri feel free to become my friend.

In the past 4 months I have: 

-Put my feet in the Pacific for the first time.

-Become an officer in a small company that helps non-profits raise money

-Said yes to trying new things when it has come to food and spirits. This has opened me up to a whole new world of vegetables! I’ve done so much in terms of experimental cooking not just baking that it’s ridiculous. Also, this helped me discover my love of German beer, brussels sprouts, Pinoy sauce, and moldy cheeses. Nom nom nom. More in the food section to come.

-Hugged a giant sequoia.

-Actually got back into comic books by reading Ms. Marvel and Lumberjanes. I loved going to the comic store “Heroes for Sale” in Falmouth, MA with my brother when we were young. Somewhere along the way I lost that love of comics by reading “grown up books.” Anyway, trust your younger self for they are wise.

-Attended the Grand Floral Parade during the Portland Rose Festival. This made me realize I actually live in a Western state. So many cowgirls!

-Went to my first political rally. Bern baby Bern!

-Went to my first minor league baseball game in OR. Go Hops!

-Got lost in the woods while hiking. Happy Ending, we ended up finding the most beautiful meadow and picnicked there.

Ultimately I’ve just been happier than I’ve been in about two years.  Day to day life seems boring if you find yourself binge watching Netflix everyday (have done this too), but look back over your past four months and see what you’ve actually accomplished. You’ll be impressed with yourself.

Beach trip Bern baby bern Carrots First time Go Hops House Spirits Rose Parade

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