Planning Ahead

I just finished an amazing week long visit with my mother who came to the West Coast (best coast) for the first time in her 63 years. We put our feet in the Pacific ocean, strolled around Portland and just had a grand old time being in each other’s company.

As many of you know, I moved to Portland last year with no set plan, just the need for change and a quest for happiness really. Well I am planning on going back to the East Coast for Christmas to see my siblings whom I haven’t seen in two years. There is going to be a family reunion and my crazy, lovable aunts will be there who I haven’t seen in ten years! Flights around Christmas from the West Coast to the East Coast are very expensive though. I’m as happy as ever working to help non-profits fundraise, but it doesn’t make me the big bucks money that I need for a round trip flight.

Long story short, I’ve started a gofundme campaign to raise the required ducets. Thank you in advance for taking a look and possibly donating! I love you all my darling readers!

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